Returns Policy

WHAT can be returned?

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the original condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging with all of the original labels on it.

WHEN do items need to be returned by?
Vector Optics Australia has a 14 day returns policy, which means the return must be initiated within 14 days of the receipt of your product(s). 

WHERE do items need to be returned to?
Items are to be returned to Vector Optics Australia at Unit 2 / 7 Hoyle Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW 2154.

HOW do customers return items?
All returns must be accompanied with a proof of purchase.

SHIPPING for returns?
We recommend you package your return well to ensure no damage is caused during transit. depending on the value of the item we do recommend insuring your package. each return will be looked at case by case to determine who pays for return postage.

CREDIT for returns?
If an item is returned you will have the option to have your credit left as a store credit.

Instore return option?
items can be returned directly to us at Unit 2 / 7 Hoyle Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW 2154.